Cursillo is a lay movement in the Catholic Church.
We come together as lay members of the Catholic Church to bring each other closer to Christ.
No one can fully explain what Cursillo is. Not because it is a secret but because it is a living experience that one must experience first hand. No one can fully explain how God touches a person. Christ through Cursillo and through His grace, touches the person who is open to a personal relationship with Him in a special way. Cursillo can help a person in developing a deeper understanding of what it means to be fully Catholic by being fully Christian in order to exercise their mission as baptized individuals.
The Cursillo is an encounter with Christ. Correctly applied and overseen the Cursillo Movement can have very positive results in the spiritual revitalization of the world. The Christ likeness in a few good people is contagious. The transference of Christ's values to others in one's family, school, place of business, etc., is the Christianizing of environments the Cursillo promotes. The goal of the movement is that Christ be the prime influence in society.
Still not sure if Cursillo is right for you? Answer the questions below.
* Would you like to take one step closer to Christ?
*Have you been thinking how much God has done for you and what you might do more for God and for your community?
* Are you 'searching for something more' for yourself, your family, and the world around you?
* Are you struggling with your faith?
If you answer yes to any of these questions, the Cursillo Movement may be what you are looking for!
Come and discover Cursillo. Start by contacting us today.