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Welcome to our Lay and Spiritual Directors website blog for the Diocese of Toledo Cursillo Movement!

A Message from the Lay and Spiritual Advisors of the Toledo Cursillo Movement.


From Our Spiritual Advisor


Advent is the Season of four weeks before Christmas, marking the beginning of the Christian year. This year, Advent begins on December 1st, the first Sunday of December. Advent means "coming" or "arrival" and refers to Christ's coming in two ways: His first coming as a baby in Bethlehem and his second coming at the end of time. Advent is a time of preparation, anticipation, and hope for Christians who celebrate the birth of Jesus and await his return.


Watching and waiting are two essential themes of Advent. They remind us of the long history of God's people who waited to fulfill God's promises and watched for his signs of salvation. They also challenge us to be alert and ready for Christ's coming into our lives and the world. Watching and waiting are not passive or boring activities but active and joyful ones. They involve prayer, reading of Scripture, serving others, and sharing the good news of Jesus.


There are many ways to watch and wait for Christ during Advent. Here are some suggestions:

·       Lighting an Advent wreath is one way to watch and wait for Christ. An Advent wreath is a circular candle holder with evergreen branches and four candles, one for each week of Advent and sometimes a fifth candle in the center for Christmas. The candles are usually purple or blue, the colors of royalty and hope, and pink for the third week, representing joy. Lighting an Advent candle each week symbolizes the growing light of Christ as we approach his birth.

·       Participate in your parish's daily Mass, not just on Sundays, Eucharistic Adoration, and the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Advent is a beautiful season to watch and wait for Christ. It invites us to prepare our hearts and minds for his coming, anticipate his presence and power in our lives and the world, and hope for his final and glorious return. Advent is a season to celebrate the coming of Christ, the light of the world, who shares in the darkness and will never be overcome.

·       A third way to watch and wait for Christ is to practice charitable acts. Advent is a time to share our blessings with others, especially those in need. We can generously give our time, talent, and treasure to support the mission of the Church and the works of mercy. We can also reach out to our family, friends, neighbors, and strangers with kindness, compassion, and forgiveness. We can show them the love of Christ in Word and deed. By doing so, we prepare the way of the Lord and make room for him in our hearts and homes.


As we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, let us remember the reason for his coming: to save us from our sins and to bring us into his kingdom of light and love. He is the fulfillment of all the prophecies and promises of the Old Testament. He is the Word made flesh, the Son of God, the Prince of Peace. He is Emmanuel, God with us. He is the gift of the Father's love for us. Let us rejoice in his presence and adore him with grateful hearts. I pray that this Christmas will be joyful for you and your loved ones. I pray you will experience the peace and joy only Christ can give. I pray that you will share his love with those around you, especially the poor, the lonely, and the marginalized. I pray you will grow in faith, hope, and charity throughout the New Year. May God bless you abundantly and keep you in his care.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Brother Daniel Hall, CSSR

From John & Kathy, Our Lat Directors


Happy December!

I love this time of year when there is so much celebrating! Thanksgiving leftovers have just been finished, and Christmas cookies and candies are being made. Festive music is playing EVERYWHERE, and people generally look a little more joyful, even if they also look a little more tired with all that needs to be done for the holidays.


Advent, which takes up most of December, is meant to be a time of celebrating, too. The readings from the beginning of Advent remind us that Jesus’ second coming could occur at any time, that we don’t know the day or the hour, but that it is a reality. For us who follow the Lord and try to live the life He outlined for us, it is exciting to think of the time when Jesus will come again. The readings from the end of Advent follow the Scripture of the first coming of Jesus as an infant, with Mary’s incredible story of an angel asking her to take on the role above any role that has ever been given, to become the mother of God. And Mary’s response? From Luke 1:38, “Mary said, ‘Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.’” Mary’s words encourage us to listen to God’s invitations for our lives, opening our hearts to accepting our roles in the ongoing salvation of the world.


What are you preparing for during this time of Advent? Peace for many in my life is a common prayer for me: peace in families, peace amidst the busyness of the season, peace for those struggling with serious illness, peace for those learning to live without loved ones who have passed to eternal life. There are many who need the peace of Jesus. Let us take the opportunities to share the peace of Christ that we experience with those for whom peace is difficult to find, so that perhaps they can find peace this Christmas!


Know that you are in our prayers for a Blessed Christmas! DeColores!

Kathy Otermat

John Lyons

From Our Lay Directors:

Greetings friends of the field, sojourners, brothers and sisters in Christ;

As we enter November we recall a time of thanksgiving. We recall times of joy and abundance, a time of reaping what we have planted. But what about reaping what we did not plant? Planting what we do not reap? Planting and sowing seeds that we do not know if they will grow? Isn’t that what we are called to do? To nurture those “seeds” that come to us! The ones that need direction in their lives. Not sure of where to go or what to do. I had one such young one who didn’t know what to do. After some conversation I was able to direct them to doing the next right thing. Directing them to church. To mass. To reconciliation and a new life.

Don’t we all need this? New life? I do!! To redirect my life in the way of Christ. The way of the cross. To prayer and adoration when available. Then I am very thankful for all that Christ has done for me and will do for me. No matter where I am in life or what is happening. God is with me and I will give thanks!!

As you reflect on your life, think of the blessings God has bestowed on you and give Him the thanks He deserves. He deserves all of our thanks and praise.

Let us enter this month with praise and thanksgiving on our lips and in our hearts for all that the Lord has given and done for us. Let us reach out to those in need and spread the love of Jesus as best we can! Jesus loves us! Let us love our neighbors!!

God’s Peace


John & Kathy

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