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After the "Great Unknown"

Writer: cursillo419cursillo419

Greetings to all my beloved sisters and brothers in Christ,

DeColores to all! Alleluia! Praise the Lord! It is finally ‘over’: the social distancing, the masks, and all the other restrictions we’ve been living under for these past 11 months. The virus is still around, and it might come back to bite us again, but at least we have a reprieve for now, and just in time for our summer activities.

So much has been shelved by the great “unknown” that we have to get it all back out a figure out how to get going again. Team meetings for the Fall are getting underway in earnest and our friend Zoom will now be a sometime addition to actual in person meetings. Thank you, Sr Edna, for faithfully providing access to the Zoom platform for all of our Secretariat and School of Leaders meetings. Your expertise is an answer to prayers.

What have you learned from the Coronavirus experience? From quarantine, to distancing and no personal touch or hugs in our greetings? To ‘not knowing’ what was really going on from conflicting news stories and opposing "experts’ " opinions?

I’ve been thinking about our Cursillo methodology, prayer, study and action and how that is an ingrained part of our lives now -hopefully it is in our daily living practice. That we can rely on that simple triangle of living, learning, and growing and sharing our faith as a proven pathway back to some normalcy.

How many people outside your core circle of influence, family, group reunion, close friends know that you are a Catholic and a Cursillista? Do they know it by how you live your faith, by your words and actions? Do you use the name “Jesus” in your conversations?

While the circle of concern can be very broad, there is not a whole lot that we can influence on a grand scale, but our circle of influence can make a big difference. And it is this circle must always be expanding. After all Jesus started with twelve and we have just heard how this small band has exponentially grown to even include you and me.

I imagine lots of folks have found live streaming Masses so very convenient over these past several months. Let’s reach out to them and not only invite them back to church but into our group reunion. Share a meal and friendship. Remember this core principle: “Make a friend, Be a friend, Bring that friend to know Jesus.” As you develop a relationship with your friend you can share ideas from the weekend rollos, after all, it is simply the Kerygma of our faith.

Remember, we are the Church, and the Holy Spirit is abiding in us and directing us if we allow him to. Mary and Joseph give us great examples of how we follow the Holy Sprit’s lead.

Now that the restrictions are over, and we can get back to personal meetings especially the TEAM meetings for the Fall Weekends. We need candidates people. NOW! Please don’t wait.

Happy Summer to all.

Let’s keep each other in prayer.

Fr Jim


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