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Lent is Improvement

Writer: cursillo419cursillo419

Lay Director (Each month, one of our Lay Directors will write an article.)

It’s that time of year again when we are called to look at our lives more closely and see what improvements can be made to our lives. Deacon Jerry encouraged us to look ahead to Lent a couple of months ago. “Anything worth doing is worth preparing for”, he wrote. I thought at the time that it was a fine idea, but unfortunately, I came into Lent without much preparation.

Now that Lent is here, what improvements can I make to my life? I appreciate how we are given different ways to make Lent a time of growth. When I was little, giving up something was my common practice, thinking that a Lent without chocolate or all candy would be a good way to “do” something for Lent. And it is when we accompany our sacrifices with prayer. I don’t remember doing that as a kid. I just remember being sad about the loss of sweets.

A blessing about being a part of the Cursillo movement is a heightened awareness of sacrifice. We joyfully sacrifice for the candidates, for the movement, for the intentions of others. Being a part of a team adds to that awareness. I am blessed to be a part of the Women’s team for Cursillo #290. As a result, I have been offering palanca in a variety of ways since I made the decision to join the team. This awareness helped me to have some preparation for Lent. I know the value of sacrifice. I understand that sacrifice (palanca) is a tool for growth for both the person who is sacrificing and the intention that is being offered up.

How am I growing this Lent? I must admit that I didn’t make a concrete plan for Lent before it was Lent! I am more comfortable with making sacrifices for others than making sacrifices in my own life for my own benefit. Making changes that will stretch me. Making changes that will help me to follow Jesus more closely. Making changes that I will want to continue when Lent is over for this year. I came to the decision that I need more Study in my life and am using this Lent to know Christ better through extra time with His Word. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 tells us that “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for refutation, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that one who belongs to God may be competent, equipped for every good work.” I’m looking forward to coming to the end of Lent with a deeper knowledge and appreciation of the Word of God, and a better understanding of what Jesus is calling me to do.


Kathy Otermat

John Lyons


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